Monday, March 15, 2010

Coping skills for parenting

Sarah Pulliam, one of our board members, sent me this article from KIRO News on March 4th:

Prosecutor: Mom Drugged Daughter Because She Was Cranky

Sarah writes:

The article is a bit dramatic but the reality is that when parents with few internal resources get frustrated with their infants, outcomes are scary—in this case there are additional risk factors such as substance abuse and family violence, but that is not always the case. A reminder of why mobilizing supports in the first months of life might prevent parents from making these choices later...

One of those resources could be information about exactly how dangerous it is to give such substances to children and infants ... here is a CDC flyer talking to parents about the dangers of giving prescription and non-prescription medications to children.

At the same time Sarah was noticing this article, I saw this in the news:

Day care workers charged with drugging tots: Women charged with slipping dietary supplements into candy

Kudos to vigilant parents who noticed and put a stop to it, rather than assuming all was ok.

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