Saturday, August 7, 2010

Amazing Breast Milk

This New York Times article is a great way to close out World Breastfeeding Week -

Breast Milk Sugars Give Infants a Protective Coat

I love to hear all the marvelous ways natural foods are perfect for our bodies, with all sorts of benefits that can't be made in a laboratory. This article is great in showing that even the indigestible parts of human breast milk have a purpose and benefit a baby. Fascinating. Here's a teaser:

“We were astonished that milk had so much material that the infant couldn’t digest,” Dr. German said. “Finding that it selectively stimulates the growth of specific bacteria, which are in turn protective of the infant, let us see the genius of the strategy — mothers are recruiting another life-form to baby-sit their baby.”

Who knew?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

milkmakers donates 10% of August profits to Open Arms!

Exciting news - milkmakers, makers of premium, all-natural and nutritious lactation cookies, has announced that in support of World Breastfeeding Week (August 1-7), milkmakers is donating 10% of August profits to Open Arms! Read all about it in their August newsletter.

milkmakers has had a lot of great press, and a Seattle lactation consultant, Renee Beebe tested cookies with her clients and found 100% had increased milk production in under a week.

But lacation cookies? I bet you're wondering what they're like. These are not cookies which are meant to be healthy but taste terrible - these are yummy yummy yummy on their own, with the added benefits of supporting nursing -- a great way to nurture your taste buds and take care of mama while also feeding your baby healthy breastmilk. Emily Kane, founder of milkmakers, brought some samples to a board meeting one day and let me tell you, they rival cookies I get at bakeries. Soft, sweet but not too sweet, yummy oatmeal-chocolate chip cookies ... oh so good. I ate more than a few (and no, didn't start lactating again after seven years, haha!).

Anyway - we're honored to receive this donation from milkmakers and I'd love to encourage you to try these in August and support Open Arms: order them for yourself, give them for baby showers, or if you work in the birth and parenting field, recommend them to your clients. She'll ship for you - just put them in the freezer to enjoy one at a time and do something good for body and soul.

Thanks again milkmakers for supporting Open Arms!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Two massage opportunities for pregnant women and those with infants

I'm posting these notices on behalf of the Simkin Center at Bastyr University. Sounds like fun! Feel free to pass along to people who might be interested.

Free Massage Therapy for Pregnant Women

Saturday, August 14, choose Noon or 2 PM
Kenmore, WA

Simkin Center seeks mothers-to-be to participate in a massage practicum during the Pre and Perinatal Massage Therapy Certification Course. Open to women beyond 12 weeks whose pregnancies are low risk and without complications. Contact Simkin Center or 206.322.8834 x100 for more information, and to reserve a session time.

Free Infant Massage Training for Parents and Caregivers and their Infants

Friday, Aug 20 - 2-3 pm

Saturday, Aug 21 - 2-3 pm

Sunday, Aug 22 - 2-3 pm in Kenmore, WA

The Simkin Center seeks parents with babies, 3 weeks to 9 months old, to learn how to massage baby. You’ll provide important experience to students in the Infant Massage Educator Training. Older siblings or other family member are welcome. Join us for one day, two days or all three. Contact Simkin Center at or 206.322.8834 x100 for more information, and to reserve a session time.